2638 words: Done with everything. That it took me an entire day to write this nine-page paper does not bode well for tomorrow, when I must write a ten-page one and a five-page one.
December 04, 2002
About Me
- Name: Colleen
- Location: Seattle, Washington, United States
Colleen is a contributing writer for the Well Fed Network and publishes three web sites: Pennies & Pounds (healthy eating on a budget), The Cookie Book (holiday and baking madness), and Sharp Pencils (resources for teaching elementary students to write).
Previous Posts
- 2622 words: I'm done with the writing. Thank God.
- 2,525 words: I can't believe it, either.
- 1859 words: Lincoln is president (celebrate, Emily...
- 1492 words: I've either just discovered America or...
- 881 words: How is it that I only have 881 words?! ...
- A conversation with Britt on writing papers: Brit...
- I have 355 words so far (not including my outline)...
- The paper has started, though it goes slowly. It's...
- All right, I should be working. I should draft my ...
- I feel pretty much like a failure when it comes to...
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