Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

January 10, 2003

To the joy of all concerned, the sticky housing situation seems to have been sorted out. I thank Matt and Kim for the enthusiatic responses they left to my previous entry. I also thank Britt for avidly seeking out places to live in time to actually get them. Right now, everything is looking pretty good. For those of you who'd like to join in tomorrow's visit to a potential house and the off-campus housing office, we will be departing at 2 p.m. tomorrow.

It feels pretty nice to be done for the week already. I like having Fridays off! Of course, starting next week I'll probably work on Friday mornings, but for now, I'm going to relish my extra day off and take advantage of it to finally get everything straightened up in my room. And after all that, I will go shopping at Whole Foods with Scott, where we will be buying ingredients to make grilled pork tenderloin with some sort of apple-molasses sauce, and then obviously we will cook it. Two nights of cooking in a row! Tonight we made burgers with Jackie and Scott M., who's visiting from law school. They were really quite excellent, and that's saying something from me, who generally can't stand homemade burgers.

And after all that, Scott and I will go see the new Harry Potter movie (me for the second time). Yeah, I think he's hooked on Harry now, too. But who can help it?


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