Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

March 08, 2003


Today I woke up a bit before 7 a.m. to ready myself for the big interview with Alderman Kent. It went okay except for that whole being tired part. After that, I was on my feet until about 4 p.m. I nearly fell asleep at the dinner table. I got back, set my computer to update itself, and soon fell asleep.

When I woke up, my computer was dead.

Well, it was near death, anyway. The screen had gone blue, and it showed no signs of changing. It wasn't until six hours (and two attempts at clean installs) later that I finally got it to work again. It's now better in some ways (faster! the annoying script menu's dead!) but worse in others (all of my preferences need to be reset).

Of course, the upshot of all of this is that I didn't start my alderman profile until about 3 a.m. To paraphrase:

The computer is frustrating, I cry and weep,
But I have final due dates to keep,
And 900 words to go before I sleep,
And 900 words to go before I sleep.


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