SCO Ho Ho!
I believe I've mentioned the SCO vs. IBM lawsuit on this site, oh, once or twice. For those that don't remember, SCO claims that the free, open-source operating system Linux infringes on their intellectual property rights. SCO bought the copyrights for Unix, a venerable old OS, from Novell a while back. SCO isn't making a good deal off of its implementation of Unix, so a number of people believe it's targeting IBM and Linux users through litigation and "licensing fees" simply to make money. Surely, the fact that the lawyers working the case for them are being paid either a straight fee or "a percentage of any sale of SCO in the meantime" gives you some indication of what they're after.
Recently, a judge ruled that SCO has to show IBM exactly how its contributions to Linux infringe on SCO's IP rights. But it seems that's not all SCO has to prove now . . . SCO Must Prove Existence Of Santa Claus in Thirty Days.
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