Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

March 10, 2004

Come So Far, So Far To Go

My News and New Media final project is finally done. That one was so mentally overwhelming that I did much of it on autopilot and I still haven't fully awakened from that feeling. I have barely had time to think the past few days. Sunday night I stayed up late writing my econ paper; Monday through 4:10 p.m. today I spent working on the project, coding various "interactive" features and trying to get everything to work right, in addition to taking pictures and producing articles.

Considering how much trouble my partner and I and some other people in the class had with needing permission to take pictures in some places and some not having the rights to the pictures they wanted to use (Medill likes to be picky about these things because it is full of holier-than-thou journalists, whereas other profs will tell you to just copy pictures since it's not commercial), this project seems to be impossible to finish without using subterfuge. Deception to achieve the appearance of ethics. Interesting paradox.

I am totally exhausted right now since I had to interrupt my progress on the project last night in order to clean the whole apartment as potential subletters were coming to visit the next day. I picked up my room to show off, I picked up the other rooms, did the dishes several times, put away the dishes, swept, Swiffered, made myself dizzy with antibacterial cleaning solution fumes, threw away the collected newspapers and junk mail, took out two bags of trash and three bags of recyclables, and surely more, and it still wasn't spotless, but it was better. And then I was tired. But I still needed to finish cobbling together an interactive timeline and a photo slideshow for the final project site. So I was up very late.

And then one subletter called this morning around 9 and woke me up. She needed directions and I was expecting to get a call from her. But I couldn't fall back asleep until around 10, when I really needed to get up and get dressed for when she would show up.

I hope the two potential subletters liked the apartment. I really want to put the whole process of finding someone behind me as it's stressful and yet another big project on my list of many big projects, which include updating the whole RC/RH Handbook, writing Communique articles, two finals, familiarizing myself with Orange County and the Register, teaching the new RCB VP for PR how to do everything, and, lest we forget, packing up everything I own. I have more than enough on my plate.


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