Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

April 23, 2004

Stupid Computer

Well, my computer decided last night that it was going to be irritable. The screen started blinking madly and the cursor disappeared. I have no idea what's wrong with it, but it bears the hallmarks of a hardware problem. Again. Loose wiring or faulty logic board? My bet's on the wiring. But it's a glum pick either way: Note that my laptop's warranty expired in December.

I just caught Scott's blog at the top of the Blogger recently updated list. Nifty.

I'm looking for a new book to read. I'm almost through my second read of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, and I've decided that people weren't crazy in giving that book a good review after all. Funny how knowing what happens makes you appreciate the book more. References and foreshadowing make a lot more sense. You can see how every little detail plays into the story. Also, when there's no anxious need to get to the end and see who dies and what's up with Voldemort, it's not so bothersome that Rowling overuses adverbs.

But finding a new book to read is tough. I'm not so eager to get involved with unfamiliar characters. I could probably get over that one, but what makes the search harder is that I want a rather easy book. I don't want anything depressing, which unfortunately most good literature is. I have enough stress right now without a sad book. I was something like the Harry Potter books - funny, exciting, interesting, not bad, but not terribly complex.


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