Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

July 24, 2004

Tabula Googla

The New York Times > Business > Media & Advertising > Microsoft May Sell Slate, a Pioneer in Web Magazines: "According to company executives, Microsoft is considering a sale of Slate because the model of creating a Web magazine of cultural criticism and political analysis to attract visitors to its MSN Network has little business salience in an age dominated by search applications. And the site's small size limits its ability to contribute meaningfully to Microsoft's revenues."

While I may agree with the company's other contention, the Slate might flourish more under another owner with goals more in line with that of a content producer, I am getting a bit fed up with the much-hyped idea that this is "an age dominated by search applications."

If everyone on the Internet decides to become a purveyor of search, what will there be to search for, anyway?

And search is hardly that exciting. Sure, we all run a Google search a few times a day, I'm sure. But who really goes from site to site looking for the best search results? Seach is so utilitarian. The top pages for any term between sites are likely to be remarkable only for their similarity.

If you need basic evidence of the similarity between search sites, see the new MSN search.

At any rate, I hope the hype blows over soon so we can all focus again on what matters most: raising our Google Page Ranks.


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