Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

September 16, 2004

Firefox Test Drive

Firefox 0.10 (that's "point ten," believe it or not) is quite nice. I just tested it out, and it has a lovely new bookmark bar gradient. It gives me high hopes for what they might accomplish in the final Mac release (which will come after the final Windows release because after they finish the guts of the browser, they're planning to work on Mac-version cosmetic issues). Also, the Live Bookmarks are nifty. If you've never investigated RSS, Atom or site feeds (there's a link to mine on the sidebar), Live Bookmarks are a way Firefox puts this headline service to use. Basically, if you were to create a "live bookmark" to my site in Firefox, it would look like a folder, and if you looked inside the folder menu, you'd see links to all my latest diary entries. You could see if I'd updated without having to actually visit my page. It works for a lot of sites. Pretty neat, no?


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