Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

December 08, 2002

I'm done with all of my papers!

Save for the unhappy fact that I will have to arise and walk to the anthropology department at around 9 a.m., the torture is done. I now have a leisurely week in which to prepare for my finals on Friday.

Unfortunatly, I may very well be sick for much of that time. My throat still really hurts, although my temperature has gone down. Though that hasn't prevented me from having to go through several pairs of pajamas since Friday, as I seem to have night sweats or something. It's rather uncomfortable.

But you know, I could really go for some French fries right now. Spicy curly fries ... good stuff. Especially since I've eaten next to nothing these past few days, through a combination of a weak stomach and a weird schedule. Not to mention that sore throat. Maybe I'll get some food after going to drop off my paper tomorrow. After all, I'd hate to add "starvation" to my list of woes.


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