Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

December 05, 2002

In the midst of paper three, and although it's progressing all right (I switched the topic to Zionism, a whole lot easier than existentialism, which I never really understood anyway), tonight has really been awful. To sum it up, my ethernet no longer works. The jack in my room this year has always been picky, and tonight of all nights it decided it hated me. I had to call the rescon, and while she promised to get someone to fix it, she cautioned that since it's near the end of the quarter, it could take a while. Thus, I'm sitting in the basement computer lab typing this, having dragged my computer around the building looking for a viable ethernet port. What really sucks is that since the battery doesn't work, I have to shut it down and restart it every time I move it. That wastes much more time than I would generally waste if I could surf around the internet as I wrote. It's so frustrating, especially considering how dependent I am on my technology. I just look forward to next quarter, when I'll have both a working jack and a working computer. Then my life will be good.


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