People should leave me comments because a) I think that's a nifty function and b) I want to know who looks at my site. And who doesn't. Wink, wink. I will soon produce a long and extremely controversial entry to encourage commenting.
When I finish all the paper-writing and other work, not only will the site finally go back to the original design, but it will also feature more links in the entries. I figure this will add more interest to the site. And cause me to lavish more time on it.
I have several projects for when I get home, and I ought to start recording them. First, there's Christmas shopping. Second, I want to make a new web site. Not a personal one, but a hobby-based one. It should be much fun.
Okay, I know what you're saying -- why am I not in bed, for crying out loud? So it's off to dreamland for me. Good night.
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