Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

December 19, 2002

My room is cold.

We're not talking cold like when PARC's heat hasn't come on once the temperature drops in the fall. We're talking full-fledged, I-feel-like-I'm-living-in-my-refrigerator cold. I'm not exaggerating -- the rest of the house is pretty cold, but stepping into my room, the temperature drops about ten degrees. At least. Mine is the coldest room in the house.

Why is this? I live in a room with two big windows that do not face the sun but do catch the wind. On top of that, the room right below mine is just the same -- and that just so happens to be the room the temperature control is in. Apparently, the rest of the house gets "hot" because the living room is unusually cold and causes the heat to come on too much. (I think this is a load of crap, by the way.) Thus the minimum temperature has to be set low in in there so the heat will come on less. And therefore, my room never gets heated beyond the minimum temperature to prevent hypothermia.

It all really sucks because of how cold it gets at night. I have a sheet and a comforter on my bed, and last night I kicked off the sheet in my sleep. I started getting so cold -- despite my fleece socks and flannel pants -- that I actually woke up. Now, I had to get up early today to get to the madhouse that is Erie County Farms grocery store, and I had gone to bed early enough to guarantee eight hours of sleep, something I haven't gotten in a while. I did not appreciate the interruption. Now I'm tired and cranky and really annoyed about my stupid room. Argh.


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