Clearly, moving my site updating to Blogger has made me lazy when it comes to updating the rest of the site. Who knows when the many, many pictures I have sitting on my hard drive will see the light of day. But I do have a lot of stuff I should be doing but am not, and this remains my excuse for not doing something about the unupdated nature of my site.
I finally figured out how to get the dorm mailing list to send out correctly from the new computer. However, I will be glad when I no longer have to handle the thing. It lost its novelty quite a while ago. As it is, I'm tired of handling messages for stupid campus events I'll never go to.
We did in fact go apartment-hunting yesterday, and although nothing really jumped out at us (except for the extreme cold that persisted today), it was a good start. Hopefully we'll find something both nice and within our budget. Which reminds me that I ought to really figure out what said budget is.
And finally, I'm again thinking of altering my academic plans. This time, I'm considering changing my planned second major from history to Asian studies, as Asian studies would basically be taking a variety of classes about the Middle East. I think I might enjoy this interdisciplinary approach. I'm still thinking I will also have a creative writing minor at this point, which would entail writing a long piece of fiction my senior year. This, I think, would be far more enjoyable than writing a thesis. But that's just me, right?
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