Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

March 17, 2003

What kind of country is this?!

The United States makes me sick. When the rest of the Western world has finally moved beyond the days of imperialism and waving big sticks, like a child, America insists on making up for its lack of prowess. When all the world seeks peace, the United States spits on the promises it made to the world after World War II. Whatever happened to phrases like "the war to end all wars" and "never again," things we heard after those great conflicts? Where are the lessons of Vietnam? Are our memories so short?

What kind of nation seeks "peace" by declaring war? Is political clout worth destroying more innocent lives than we lost on September 11? How much is an Iraqi or other Asian's life worth when compared to an American's now?

Moreover, why doesn't the rest of the world have any backbone? There are millions -- billions more people in the world who oppose this war, far more than the relative handful in the United States. Even a majority of the U.S. population -- and the last number I read was 58 percent, and that appeared to be gathered by casting a very wide net by using a very open question -- that would only be less than 160 million people, likely not much greater than the religious minority in India, the next most populous nation in the world. And while yes, America has nuclear weapons, so do a great number of other countries, and honestly, you don't need all that many to destroy the world. Other countries need to stop acting scared of the United States and start looking to each other for help. What's to stop the collective power of more than five billion people from ousting America from the United Nations and from the world scene? The United States only has as much power as it's given through other countries' -- like Britain -- governmental cooperation. If the United States were isolated, it would have to give up its position on the world stage. It's time that "America says so" stopped meaning "right," and that can only happen when the world shows a united face and stands up to this kind of bullying.


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