Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

April 23, 2003

Help MeHelp! I know I'm staying up too late, but I don't want to sleep!

I'm going to be terrifically tired tomorrow, but there's nothing I can do to stop that now, and thus it seems almost futile to go to bed. Yet I know I need to rest, as in my Islam class at 11 this morning I involuntarily nodded off countless times throughout the last hour. And tomorrow I have to be on the third floor of Deering Library by 10 a.m.

Speaking of that, I haven't done any work whatsoever for that class tonight. I spent hours folding laundry, messing around with RCB's site (Nancy Anderson did not want people to be able to read our minutes), and generally doing nothing of my schoolwork. Since I've read the first three novels we're covering before, I'm getting into a bad habit of slacking off on my reading. The prof keeps mentioning an upcoming midterm ... maybe I should be reading ...

If you talk to me tomorrow, remind me I need to go pick up the book I'm writing a report on from the library's circulation desk. I don't want them to send it back to Chicago before I read it.


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