Mr. Wolfowitz's theme at the Senate hearing, which could be rendered in short as "Iraq for the Iraqis," was not new. But the deputy secretary's comments were significant in view of the Bush administration's lingering dissatisfaction with the United Nations and its apparent failure, at least in President Bush's view, to rise much beyond the level of an international debating society.
Bush Administration Describes Secondary Role for U.N. in Iraq
Much as the thought frightens me, part of me agrees with President Bush. Not in the same sense, fortunately, but nonetheless, he has something of a point in thinking the United Nations didn't "rise much beyond the level of an international debating society" in this conflict. Eighty or ninety percent of the world opposed going to war with Iraq -- wasn't that enough of a mandate for the United Nations to step up and do something to stop the United States? Is there nothing that could have been done to stop this from happening? Why does the rest of the world seemingly have no power?
At any rate, what's done is done now. I just hope the United States will not try to impose an unwanted government on these people (again) and that the Iraqis will get a chance to benefit from what's happened.
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