Like Camping
Here I am, coming to you LIVE from underneath a blanket!
I've created a tent for myself using a quilt with my knees and head serving as supports. My feet and elbows are keeping the fabric tucked under so that NOT ONE BIT of heat can escape from my refuge.
Scott's apartment might be best compared to a mutant appliance -- on top is a convection oven, baking you until lightly browned as you sleep, and on bottom is, oddly enough, a chest freezer.
For some reason, when the heating system was installed in this flat house, the ducts were placed up near the ceiling downstairs and at floor-level upstairs. For those of you unacquainted with thermodynamics, heat causes molecules to become excited and zing all over the place, decreasing the density of matter in a given area making said area lighter -- i.e., heated air rises. Upstairs gets a double hit of heat and downstairs gets zilch.
To make matters worse, even though there is a thermostat in the apartment, it doesn't work.
My computer doesn't like being under a blanket, but my fingers become too numb to use the computer outside of the blanket.
If only this heavy sofa bed could be dragged up the stairway half its size.
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