Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

January 24, 2004

Be Careful

Slashdot: Scam Combines Patriot Act FUD With IE Bug: "LostCluster writes 'CNET, Reuters, and the AP are all reporting this morning about a circulating e-mail scam that claims that people will lose their FDIC bank account insurance because they are suspected of violating the Patriot Act unless they confirm their bank account information with a website. The scammers then use the already documented bug in IE that allows a site in Pakistan to get '' to appear in the URL bar. Where's an MS patch when we really need one?'"

Let's say it again: When you get e-mails that have forms asking for personal info or links to sites asking for personal info, they are scams. The Paypal one is perhaps more notorious, but here's another way that identity theft may not be coming from those evil hackers stealing your credit card number but from you blindly giving it out.


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