The Radetzky Snooze
I'm attempting to plow my way through yet another novel on Eastern Europe, this one focused on the Austro-Hungarian Empire as opposed to Bosnia. The writing style is not all that thrilling, plus it's a discouragingly long book. My prospects for finishing it before I have to start studying for my econ final on Tuesday appear dim.
I'm attempting also to read some of the Orange County Register, since I'll be going there this spring as an intern. Unfortunately this requires getting over my intense dislike of learning something big and new, a distaste that has grown the more big and new things I must master. It's the "big" part that's especially tough. I feel that there's an immense body of knowlegde I'm going to need to absorb quickly and either I'm lazy or afraid of failure and thus don't want to do it. It's what makes the "new" so hard to achieve.
I had a dream the other night about RCB Quiz Bowl. No kidding. It also included ice cream, debates on economics, my Aunt Patti and a song and dance number. "It's about increasing utility."
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