Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

May 12, 2004

New Job

I've moved on from reporting to the copy desk. Being there is surely less stressful, especially since there's always going to be someone checking my work before its published anyway. And it's not like I can be fired. As long as I'm doing my best and don't make huge mistakes, I should get along fine.

The only problem is that so far, it feels like every day is Friday. Working second shift makes me feel like it ought to be the weekend since I'm staying up so late. Which makes it feel all the more disappointing when I have to go to work the next day.

Other disadvantages to the copy desk are driving home in the middle of the night, having less free time (because of sleeping more, really), not being able to do anything but work while at work (no more reading the wires during downtime) and not being on the same timetable as anyone I might want to talk to.

So basically, it's looking to me like copy editing is not going to be my journalistic salvation, so to speak. At least not in newspapers. Not that I think other media would be much better.

If I've learned anything from Teaching Media at all, it's that I hate newspapers with a passion.


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