Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

June 18, 2004

New Design! (Again!)

Well, it's not completely new. I liked what I had, but it just wasn't perfect. I took the graphic and color scheme I had created and just shifted everything around until I found a layout I liked better. Unfortunately, that meant jettisoning the three-column look, but while that was more logically organized, it made the page look too busy.

If you're checking my site out on dial-up, I'm sorry for the wait. I used PNG graphics for the first time because the format supports more flexible transparency effects than either JPEG (it supports none) or GIF (it's all or nothing, no translucency). However, with graphics as large and complex as these, the compression doesn't make a big enough dent. Still, I didn't want to sacrifice quality. From my site stats, it appears most of my visitors use broadband anyway.

However, I have a feeling the graphics won't look quite as smashing in Internet Explorer since its PNG support is notoriously shoddy. But you should be using Firefox (which just hit version 0.9) or Camino anyway.


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