Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

June 01, 2004


This is from back when the Internet was still a bit cutting-edge and cool. Back when everyone was afraid of "Internet addiction." When a connection between computer viruses and porn was novel.

I wish I had explored the Web a bit more back in those days -- when this page was around but more especially before. Not to say I didn't spend hours on AOL back then. But when you've experienced a seismic shift in how the world works, it never seems like you were paying enough attention at the time.

Naw, I was just too busy trying to get RealPlayer to stream live video from the Macworld Conference without skipping every five seconds to notice history passing me by.

Goodness, just look at this stuff. There's even a link to an article on "How to download software"!

And Mac OS 8.6!

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