I found this article on Mozillazine. Under a heading of "Small Glitches":
Taming the Beast: The Solution to Mozilla's Hidden Marketing Problem: "In only winFF0.9.2 the FREE SUPPORT link on the sidebar jumps down. (I tried to fix it, but the 'fix' then made winIE6 and winOpera7.52 jumpy.)"
I won't get into what I think positively or negatively of this person's idea of what is best for the end user in the design, but I will just note what I found amusing about this: Though the name is buried in browser-geekese, this "small glitch" specifically affects the browser his new layout is supposedly designed to sell -- and seeing a web site render incorrectly in what may be the first page new users see when launching Firefox is not exactly a selling point for the browser.
The author notes that these and the other glitches are "only small cosmetic problems that most people would not even notice, affecting only a tiny population." Perhaps it's unintentional, but it sure says something about his design's potential to grow the user base ... or not grow it, rather.
Hehe. I don't intend to criticize the intent of the article. I am merely having a little fun.
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