Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

August 20, 2002

Car Problems

I made another pillow today. It is purple fleece and smaller than the other two. It is very nice. I have the fabric cut for a fourth.

I am mad. I have to spend all of my days off chaffeuring my brothers to all their stupid camps and practices. For crying out loud, the high school is less than a mile away; why do my brothers need to be driven there?! It's a waste of precious natural resources and my time. And I don't care what my mom says, brother Kyle is freaking 14 years old and a high school freshman, he is perfectly capable of walking or biking somewhere without getting killed.

The transmission broke on our van today. It needs to be "rebuilt." My brother Dan moves in at the University of Pittsburgh tomorrow, and we no longer have a van. It will be in the shop for a week. My parents had to borrow my grandmother's minivan, but my mom insists there won't be enough space. She doesn't believe me when I say that there was plenty of extra room in the van when they drove me to college, and I had to bring everything myself as I lacked a roommate. However, I saw the van, and I know it was not full. My mom is nuts.

I want to go back to school.


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