Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

August 18, 2002

Radio Show

As I was driving home from work today, I caught a radio show an the evolution of U2. It was at least half over, as I turned it on when the host was talking about the making of Zooropa and the ZooTV tour. The format was pretty simple, a nice-sized chunk of U2 history, followed by a song from the album discussed, and then some more U2 information, often sprinkled with some soundbytes from band interviews throughout their career. When I got home I flipped on the radio in the house to continue listening -- something I never do with the radio. I listened again as I drove to get gas and dinner. I heard up until the aftermath of the Passengers project and the beginning of Pop; I missed the rest while waiting for my food. I wish I could have heard the whole show -- it's rare to find something worth listening to on the radio.

Of course, I should probably point out that this was a Canadian station. I doubt I'd ever find such a program on a local station. But it can't be all that hard to do; this minidocumentary could easily have been made by stringing together old promotional materials. And certainly any station could access songs from every album released over an artist's career to provide a retrospective. So why don't I find real shows like this more often?


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