I almost slept through my brother Zach's school Christmas party. As I was supposed to be one of the "homeroom moms," that was not a good thing. True, I did get more sleep than I have in the past week, but waking up forty-five minutes before I'm supposed to show up in a classroom wasn't the best idea. I had half an hour to get myself and the party gear ready and then get out the door. I was the last party person to arrive -- that's including all sixteen classrooms. Oh well. At least the party didn't begin without me.
Why did this happen? Because my mom had informed me that I was supposed to drive her to work again that day, so I didn't set an alarm since I figured she'd drag me out of bed at 8:30. However, she decided to foist that responsibility upon my brother, so I got no wakeup call. I only managed to get up when I did because me aunt stopped by to drop off some checks and show me her dog (who jumped up on my bed and licked me).
Of course, despite sleeping "late," I did end up awake before 1 p.m., more than I can say on most weekends at school. Strange how time is so different here.
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