Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

December 02, 2002

I am going to go to the library. I am. I swear it. I'm going to put on my boots and coat and hat and gloves and I'm going to walk to the library. I'm not going to sit here and procrastinate. At least not forever. Well, maybe that's unlikely. I probably will sit here forever, and I'll probably keep on writing and writing these silly entries (goodness, I've posted a lot today) and just not moving. I'm never going to finish my papers. And what's awful about it all is that it's really getting to crunch time. I need to produce two big papers very, very soon. It's not a great situation. Maybe I'll post a running word count again. After I get back from the library, that is. Right, I'm going. Going. Now. Yeah.


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