Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

December 02, 2002

I am so lazy. I must complete four major papers this week -- the two biggest ones by Wednesday -- and what have I done since last Wednesday, when my vacation started? Sat around and amused myself. True, I read a bit of my book for a paper due Thursday, but that's really it. I have done no other research.

The main problem is that I have to go to the library to do this other research. Going to the library means going outside, and it is cold outside. On top of that, I'd like to have my computer along to take notes on if I went to the library, and my stupid laptop has a problem with it's power system, meaning that it won't run off of a battery. Thus it must be shut down and restarted every time it is moved. Seriously irritating.

Well, all I know at this point is that if I don't get myself into gear soon I'm not going to finish any of my work. And considering what a great percentage of my grade these papers count for, that's definitely not a good thing.


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