Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

August 31, 2002

Back to School Soon

It's now the end of August (stating the obvious). By now, in years past, I'd have been in school for at least half a week and starting to lose the feeling of novelty that accompanies new classes. Today, though, I just thank heaven that there's only about two weeks to go.

I've started (I hope) the process of leaving the job I started just about a month ago. I'll be gone before I lose my "new" status. Of course, I only stuck around about this long for my last job at the teleservices company (and, except for my last day, I believe, I was stuck in on-the-job training the entire time). However, since just about everyone there was "new," you didn't feel any more isolated than a soul-draining corporate machine generally makes you feel.

(Yes, I realize most of my friends will find that last bit particularly amusing, but alas, no other phrase is appropriate for describing the feeling of being an insignificant and easily replaceable cog in a place where nobody knows your name.

(So there!)

Okay, everyone remind me never to buy a bag of Doritos once I get back to school. I think I'm addicted. Someone needs to take these away from me now before I finish the whole bag. Help!

(As she reaches for another morsel of cheesy goodness.)


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