New Stuff
I'm about halfway through another work week now. Counting by days, I'm half done; counting by hours, I haven't quite reached that point. I have my first seven-hour shift on Monday, and as you can imagine, I'm just jumping for joy. At least I'll get a full half hour for lunch on Monday. That's a slight consolation. Alas, I only get two straight days off after the weekend this time; my work week's been extended onto Thursday. I just keep telling myself that working is at least a decent time-killer and that working more will mean more money to spend during
I spent some of that money today at Wal-Mart, the enormous store I easily get lost in. I like to have my mom around when I shop there if only because she seems better able to navigate. I get overwhelmed as soon as I enter, and I wander aimlessly for several minutes before finding the proper direction. But anyway, today I bought more pillow stuffing and some new Tupperware. Except none of it was from Tupperware, of course. I got a lovely new two-quart pitcher that I'll
use for storing water in my room (I just hope it fits in my tiny refrigerator). This way I will have it at the ready to fill the nifty new cups my mom bought me on sale. In fact, she got me a whole new set -- four big, blue plates, four large cups, reusable ice cubes, and a plastic bag for storing it all. And in addition to the pitcher, I bought some new food storage containers. I debated this in the store for quite a while; I could spend $2 on a large, sturdy one or $2 on five reusable but less sturdy ones. I finally decided the new Rubbermaid Take-Alongs were worth the $2 as they looked hardier than the Gladware we've used in the past. Well, those are sturdy enough, but I always hated the lids, but these new ones seem to have better designed caps. Thus I hope we will have a wonderful relationship -- the containers storing my falafel, and me eating it.
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