Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

August 23, 2002

Bad TV

I spent yesterday morning sitting the mechanic's waiting room as my car went through a state inspection. I had to wait as at that point, we were down to one other car, which my mom had at work. However, the inspection took over two hours, during which I was tortured by daytime television. First I sat through two episodes of Crossing Over, in which a "medium" relays messages from his "gallery's" deceased loved ones. I felt bad for all the people sitting there swallowing this guy's swill, eating it up to deal with the pain of a loss. It's almost a form a denial, I think. Not that I believe there's nothing beyond death, but I don't think that this guy (or anyone else, for that matter) can communicate with those in the great beyond. He was so clearly grasping onto and elaborating on details spilled by the people he's talking to, it's sickening. And since these people are hurting, they believe his schlock and feed him more. It's really terrible.

Though maybe not quite as crass as the next show, The Price Is Right. But then, can you really call an hourlong commercial a "show"?

At any rate, they finally told me after my mom called wondering what had happened to me that the car was going to take all day to fix. To make it up to me, they drove me over to my mother's workplace (though I had to wait about another twenty minutes for this courtesy). From there I drove home and was lazy for the rest of the day, not knowing what to do with myself when I was no longer in a car.


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