Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

May 17, 2004

Monday Blues

In about 11.5 hours, I have to be at work. That sucks. Another week of being not sure where to sit, not able to fit enough words into headlines and not knowing what's important enough for a deck. I don't remember anymore all the terms I was supposed to learn for what I now call "decks" anymore.

I need to be getting to sleep, but my mind is resisting my body's tiredness. Sleeping is such a lonely activity. It's the ultimate form of being alone - unconscious of anyone else's presence. Probably that's why we have dreams, to comfort ourselves through the lonesomeness. Unfortunately, dreams take a while to kick in, and in the meantime there's too long spent with just me and my thoughts.


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