Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

May 15, 2004

Remember This?

I was relaxing after a long, long week on the OC Register copy desk, perusing the blogs, when I came upon this:

((( NewtCase | CaseLog ))): Fisher King

It's mostly a paean to the Lakers. (I won't go there - basketball means little to me, so I'll just not get involved in that debate - the only team that has ever held meaning for me in my life was the Chicago Bulls, and no, not because of Northwestern.) But note one line in particular:

(Unlike soccer, for example, where my friend's intramural team recently beat their opponent by a score — and please do not ask me how this happened — of zero to negative one.)

That elicted a chuckle, even if I missed our team's big win due to mono.


At 9:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahaha, I forgot about that game. It was awesome.



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