Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

June 22, 2004

McDonald's Salads

Have you noticed that in all the materials promoting McDonald's new healthy, "Step With It!" adult Happy Meal campaign, the salad featured most prominently is always the Fiesta Salad? It's the subject of all the salad and Go Active meal commercials, it features prominently on the adult Happy Meal box, and it's in all the magazine ads.

It's so sneaky. They go on and on about how they're turning over a new leaf, making their menu healthier and promoting exercise. And then, while everyone's looking the other way, celebrating the new low-fat, under 300-calorie grilled-chicken "premium salads" that they introduce a new premium salad that packs 360-450 calories and has at minimum 22 grams of fat (10 saturated). And it's promoted by association as something that's good for you.


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