Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

July 29, 2004

All I Can Say Is, "Huh?"

Yahoo! News - 'Jap Road' to Be Renamed 'Boondocks Road': "'Everyone in this area, even newcomers that haven't even been to the Boondocks, have heard of the Boondocks,' he said."

However, the Boondocks they've all heard of is a fried-catfish restaurant that closed a decade ago, not the comic strip. In fact, the article here doesn't even mention the oft-controversial comic strip, which deals frequently with ... racial issues.

Also, they say the big reason these residents of a street in Texas voted for naming their road Boondocks over giving it the name of the family in whose "honor" the road was originally named was that many of them couldn't pronounce it. That name was "Mayumi," and presumably the name was written in its original Japanese character set on the ballot since it so threw the residents. Unless, of course, what they really couldn't pronounce was "Japanese."

Why in the world are they all so found of a decade-closed fried-catfish shack, anyway? Yuck.


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