Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

January 26, 2004

So Much Confusion in the World

Republicans: Kerry Is Seen as Strong but Beatable: "Unlike Senator Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut, whose record on Capitol Hill includes many votes that deviated from liberal orthodoxy on both domestic and foreign policy, Mr. Kerry, they said, has a record -- especially on social and economic issues -- that is easier to portray as too far left for the country."


First off, I'm concerned about how conservative this country must have become if some Democratic senator can be too far left (and is not Paul Wellstone, to give some credit where it's due). When did Republicans begin to feel they had a right to be smug and confident in claiming they represent all Americans?

Second, who's giving the Bush camp the idea that Lieberman would be the most difficult candidate for them to beat? That's some seriously out-of-wack analysis there, which at least gives me hope that their eventual campaign will be a disaster. While Lieberman might be a strong contender to take on Bush in the Republican primary, I honestly doubt he has the potential to motivate Democrats to get up off their lazy butts and vote on Election Day, which is the only possible way to win this election. He may be Not Bush, but he leans dangerously close to Bush Lite.


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