Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

February 13, 2004

In Case You're Wondering

Slashdot | Buddylinks Stinks: "Omie TheNull writes 'After recieving several messages over AIM with the content: 'check this out...', I went to the page and discovered that it is sponsored by a site called 'BuddyLinks.' Their website is at and they claim that they are NOT a virus. However, when you visit their links and install their 'player' it seems that you are also installing software that takes control of your AIM buddy list and sends advertisments to those on your buddy list. The advertisements are obviously designed to look like innocent messages from your buddies asking you to check out certain links. Very scummy, indeed.'"

I got one myself and couldn't figure out what it was for the life of me at first. Naturally, IM worm software like that doesn't work on Macs. However, if you use Windows and get this IM from someone, don't install the player. Just close the window.


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