Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

March 01, 2004

Rainy Day

I'm not quite sure today whether it's my teeth or my ears that hurt. Well, I'm sure they both hurt, but I'm not sure which is prompting the other. I'm betting on my teeth at this point as it hurts to drink anything cold, but who knows. Maybe these are independent pains. Wouldn't that suck.

I feel pretty yucky on the whole today. I'm tired after having been restless in my sleep. Also, I most certainly overate yesterday and I continue to feel overfull today. I wish my digestive system would kick into gear. I also have the usual aches in my back plus a new ache in my right shoulder.

I have an econ final tomorrow morning, a paper due Thursday on a book I haven't finished and a hundred errands to run this afternoon, possibly in a thunderstorm. I need to meet with my TM advisor sometime soon, I need to find a subletter and a summer internship, I need to pull together stuff for my new media final project and sometime in there, I need to complete the two jobs I have at the tail-end of this quarter. It's a depressing schedule.


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