Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

July 03, 2004

Look Both Ways

Konfabulator, Dashboard controversy flows out of WWDC: "Rose and business partner Perry Clarke have been working on a longer term plan for Konfabulator that includes an upcoming release for the Windows platform. While Rose, a longtime Mac developer, said he wasn't ready to leave development of Macintosh products, he wonders where the incentive is for developers on the Mac platform."

Said as if Microsoft wouldn't do the exact same thing to him if he developed something cool for Windows. Whatever.

The article on the whole is rather poor journalism. As I've learned myself through reading about this controversy in several sources since it first broke, there's more to the story than meets the eye. As a journalist, this reporter should have investigated more into Apple's claims that widgets were long part of OS X and NextStep, explaining what that meant rather than just letting the statement stand.

And it certainly wouldn't have hurt to have gotten quotes from more than the developer and another journalist's story.


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