Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

July 11, 2004

Reagan Rip-off

Seen the ads for the Reagan commemorative silver dollar? It costs $29.95 plus $4.95 shipping and handling. But lest we forget -- a dollar, even with a mass-produced image of the 40th president sprayed on it, is worth nothing more than a dollar as currency. So the main material making up this "collectible" costs the company $1. With the economics of mass production, it's doubtful that the painting on the coins and the shipping materials add much to the cost. I would guess the company could still make a profit from these babies if sold for only the cost of shipping. Of course, why do that when you can get every "patriotic American," as the commercial says, to buy up to five for $30 a pop? I'm sure Reagan himself would have been proud.


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