Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

August 03, 2004

Ramblings, I Guess

I just updated my Friendster profile, how about that? I haven't really used the service at all since I signed up, and I'm of little use to my Friendster connections really unless they want to meet me in particular since I seem to have few friends who don't already know each other anyway. Oh well. I mostly updated it now so that my usable web site address was posted in it rather than the bloggedup dead one.

Although, I recently discovered that I still have a bloggedup account, even if they deleted my site. Last I visited, they had stopped taking new accounts, including new paid accounts. I figure that those with paid accounts there will find their sites are not long for this world (despite the company's promises to the contrary -- can these people really be trusted?), and perhaps as evidence of my point, should you visit their home page at the moment, you'll find they've all but disappeared. However, back when I last visited, I attempted to log in to see if I could, and lo and behold, the site still recognized me. My web space is still gone, but apparently I still have the ability to raise support tickets. Why I would, I don't know.

Everyone should take this opportunity now to make sure that their bookmark for my site says "" rather than "" -- not that I'm planning on jumping ship soon, but when I do put down the cash for my own hosting service, I'd hate for everyone to not know where to find my site, especially if I continue to use Blogger only via FTP. If I start sending my entries that way, then this blogspot page could very well disappear suddenly.

On the other hand, Blogger doesn't work in my browser now, so maybe I won't be using it. We'll see.


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