Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

August 03, 2004


The Onion | CIA Asks Bush To Discontinue Blog: "'I know so many people, but I'm way too busy to keep in touch with all of them,' Bush said. 'Whether I'm talking about our strategies in Gitmo or my dogs down in Crawford, the blog is an easy way to let everyone know what's been up with me. If I've just had a really good lunch at a new restaurant, or something funny happens in a briefing from the NSA, I want to let my friends and family know about it.'"


At 11:28 AM, Blogger Alexander Dubcek said...

If you go to the URL listed in the story,, you'll discover that someone decided to register the space and launch a satirical site, and that this someone is a Northwestern student who read the piece in the Onion. He's actually offered to turn the space over to and sponsor someone with the wit and time to do it justice until the little bugger is out of office. Any takers?


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