Composed - Alzubra

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. And I'm writing about it. Right. Write.

January 26, 2004

Sorry About the Changes

I had to clean this page up last night in order to turn in a copy as one of my Teaching Media application clips. I fear it will be a trial fixing the page now since Word, where I stored the original code, seems to have crashed. Oh well. I'll go through and un-Draft the rest of the posts I took down shortly.

I was up until about 4 a.m. working on that stupid TM application. I spent a good deal of the time decrying the whole process. Personally, I think if I end up stuck somewhere that requires a car, when I've written at least three times on the application that I don't have a car and can't get one, I will reject TM altogether and start furiously studying French in order to transfer. Yeah, I'm that desperate.

Part of my ire stemmed from the knowledge that I had an RCB meeting at 8 a.m. AND had to turn in my application at Fisk before 9. I don't understand why professors make things due at 9. I think departments only open at around 8. Clearly, when something's due at 9 it's really due at 5 p.m. the previous day, but they don't SAY that so that when you casually check the time your project's due the day before, figuring it must be sometime in the afternoon, they can send you into panic mode and force an all-nighter.

At any rate, my alarm went off at about 6:30, although I couldn't wake myself until 7. I did the meeting thing and decided two things: 1) Plex breakfast is still not worth getting up for, even when it's free (they make pancakes using those disgusting all-in-one mixes, the kind you don't add eggs to because there's oh-so-delicious powdered egg in the mix), and 2) that there was no way I was getting through the rest of the day. And so I went home and slept on and off until 3. Yeah, it'll screw me up for the rest of the week, but I feel much better.


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